Many of our previous clients have purchased both a wedding album and digital files to use to make their own photographic products. Others have only purchased printable files with the intention of making their own albums, prints and other mementos. I would like you to consider why investing in a professional quality wedding album is the most important decision you will make in your entire wedding planning process.
Your wedding photography tells the story of your courtship and engagement, and celebrates the beginning of your life together. It explains your love, your relationship and your passion for each other. It also represents the detailed preparation and planning it took to make this lifetime commitment to one another. These are the memories that you will share with your friends and family and relive with the generations after you. I love for my parents to tell the story of their wedding day, even after hearing it for over 30 years. But it would be difficult for me to visualize their story without holding their album in my hands, seeing my mom’s twenty-year-old face, my dad’s snazzy JFK-styled tuxedo and how beautifully my grandmother decorated the church for her daughter’s wedding celebration. My impression of their entire relationship would be different without being able to turn the pages of their decades old tale.
When hiring a professional photographer, you are placing value on your wedding day story. You are assuring that an experienced artist will be with you during this monumental occasion to do more than just “shoot some pictures.” Your professional photographer will be there with you to experience and capture timeless glimpses into your thoughts and personality that would otherwise be forever forgotten. But this trained eye and unique perspective is only the beginning of the artistic photographic experience. The first step is the creation of a RAW camera file. And we’re only halfway through the process once you receive the hundreds of JPG files after your wedding. The true professional art and magic occur when we work together to select the images that speak to you and combine them into a unique collection of pages to tell the story of your day. Without the professional artist's hand stirring the pot, the results will lack the key ingredient to the entire recipe, and the final outcome will suffer as a direct result.